VoIP Asheville now offers the latest in SD-WAN enabled Routers
A key use case of SD-WAN is to allow companies to build higher-performance networks with redundant always on Internet connections or WANs using lower-cost and commercially available Internet Access, enabling businesses to partially or wholly replace more expensive private WAN connection technologies.
As part of Untangle’s Network Security Framework, using Untangle SD-WAN Routers in conjunction with our state of the art Data Center, small businesses are able to gain the benefits of enterprise level infrastructure with improved connectivity and security over multiple networks. VoIP Hosted solutions are now optimized over the internet with “Always On” technology working with multiple internet providers and failover solutions. This same connection can prioritize business critical applications to maximize employee productivity and keep your company running.
Let VoIP Asheville customize a cost effective solution for your business to welcome in the New Year.