2 Small 2B VoIP (Part 2)

2 Small 2B VoIP (Part 2)

2 Small 2B VoIP (Part 1)

Having been in the telecommunications industry for many years and watching technology evolve the limiting factors that persisted about VoIP have turned into falsehoods.  In this 5 part series of blogs we are going to dispel these 1 at a time.

“Simple solutions at the touch of a Button, BLFs”

Now that we have realized that upgrading to VoIP will save you money (Part 1).  How can VoIP Asheville improve your work flow and allow employees to be more productive?  Let’s take a look.  Many of Today’s businesses need employees on the go that might be sales, service, technicians or CEOs, VoIP Asheville can show you how to call or transfer calls to employees out of the office, either on the go or at home with the touch of one button.  No need to give out cell numbers, or have employees call clients back.  As a former sales person for a local company I still receive calls a decade later requesting service, quotes and complaints for that business.  Will your ex-employees be as polite as I am, and forward them to their former employer?  Is that a gamble you are willing to take.

“BLF” is a shortcut button on a VoIP phone this button can do many things, transfer to an extension in the system or a phone number outside the system.  One touch and that call is on its way.  Perhaps you need to forward calls on the fly a single press of a button and calls are now going to your cell, your home or another employee who can answer your calls. Change call flows for lunch, holidays, end of day or working late…yep just program a button.  See if someone is on a call or page a person or group, I am sure you have figured it out by now…just pushed button away.   All these features are included with 3cx.


  1. Out of the office, working from home just open 3cx a fee app for IPhone or Android and your caller ID is now your office.  You can place calls on hold, transfer calls or make an easy conference call, and yes you guessed it no additional charges.
  2. Workflows can be as complicated as you want, customized to account for times, dates, “what ifs” you can do these things ahead of time or going back to that simple button.
  3. Employee turnover is always a huge deal, using extension numbers instead of cell numbers makes this less of a hassle.  And VoIP makes that a simple reality.  Changing voicemails, access to systems and the ever persistent “Changing of the name” on phones and recorded digital receptionists.  Simple to do and no additional charges.

Employee buy in is critical to any migration or system upgrade, VoIP Asheville will sit with you and create workflows that your employees will want and deserve.  Once created we will do on-site training and customize individual phones for each employee’s needs.

Look for part 3 of this blog tomorrow as we discuss redundancy and failovers that make VoIP mission critical and a reliable and versatile way to communicate.

Larry The Phone Guy


(828) 209-VoIP (8647)