2 Small 2B VoIP (Part 3)
Having been in the telecommunications industry for many years and watching technology evolve the limiting factors that persisted about VoIP have turned into falsehoods. In this 5 part series of blogs we are going to dispel these 1 at a time.
Part 3
“Speed up and give me Options”
Now That we have shown the cost savings of VoIP in Part 1 as well as simplified solutions with BLFs in Part 2 it is time to focus on reliability. VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol, with “Internet” being the key word. What use to be a limiting factor, has now become a strength. Versatility, blazing Speed and reliability have now replaced the old descriptive terms of limited choices, slow and spotty connections. Today’s business owners usually have multiple choices of internet providers with speed options that were unthinkable 10 years ago. So let’s look closely as to how these new options create a reliable and redundant communication system.
- By hosting your PBX in a reliable data house (OVH, Google, Amazon or Azure) you have removed the greatest point of failure, which would be an onsite PBX server. No longer will your communications be paralyzed if your internet goes down, or your office experiences a power failure, have a localized router issue or an employee task failure. Phone calls will reach the PBX and you will have multiple options to answer them. Cell Phone, Of-site location or Voicemail just to name a few.
- A Hosted PBX can be a simple solutions for those small businesses with limited or no IT department. Once the PBX is installed offsite in a virtual server, updates and scheduled maintenance are no longer your responsibility. Firewall and router configurations are simplified and devices like Cell phones, tablets and laptops are able to use secure tunnels for communications on site or off.
- 3CX is an ideal PBX for running in a Virtual environment, With a centralized dashboard clients are able to easily mange complex tasks in a visual interface. This dashboard facilitates being able to use Linux or Windows in a VPS environment. These cost effective virtual servers can be easily upgraded, backed up and duplicated as needed quickly and without much if any down time. They also allow for multiple ways of redundant fail over so your calls get answered.
- Simply open the 3cx free App on cell or tablet and calls will continue to come in just as if you had internet. You will be able to except multiple calls as well as forward to VM or other extensions and outside numbers.
- Have calls go to a digital receptionist and let clients choose who they want to speak with and each extension can then decide if they prefer to have calls go to Voice Mail so that they can return these calls at a later time, or have their calls forward to another location, Cell or analog number.
- Using a hotspot as an internet failover can give you some additional flexibility
Better internet means better options. These options are versatile and customizable so speak to VoIP provider that is unable to understand your expectations and exceed them. VoIP Asheville is always here to answer questions if you need. 828-209-VoIP (8647), or email me Larry@VoIPAsheville.com
Look for part 4 of this blog tomorrow as we discuss Application Integrations between VoIP and websites, CRMs and or billing software. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to reach out to me.
(828) 209-8647